Reborn Trophy Guide • (2024)

Tactics Ogre: Reborn is a port/polish of the PSPversion of Tactics Ogre from the original Playstationdays. It is the grandy-daddy to the Tactics genre, and if you played Final Fantasy Tactics, you will recognize a lot in this game, as it structurally feels similar, minus JP.

The game consists of doing strategic battles which can take upwards of 30-60 minutes per fight depending on skill level, and as quick as five. Its all about taking your time, and devising a plan to handle the battle at hand. Outside of the final battle of the game, which has 2 phases, you can save and arrange your party for the specific battle. You can move in/out units, change gear, and position them differently at the start.

The game is not meant to be played quickly. So enjoy it!

While the guide says there are 3 playthroughs necessary, that's really only of the story and from certain points. You can do everything from a single save. With the World Tarot system, you can rewind the story to specific points to make different decisions. You can then replay the story missions with your OP team, just being level capped.

The difficulty in this game is more around the skill of the player than the level of the character. If you have the right team and or know how to handle specific units, this game can become quite easy, early in the game. The game does require a specific level of skill to play, but is forgiving enough to be entry level into the genre.

Skills are learned automatically when you level, and switching to a different class will get you all the skills for that class for the level you are. Leveling with Melee classes will net you more melee attributes on each level up and leveling with mage classes will net you more mage attributes. So when you use training to level up after the Union Level cap has been raised, level up using classes for attributes you want. However, in the end game, they do not matter as much unless you are min/maxing your character.

The game allows you, after a specific point in the story, to rewind turns to get different outcomes using the Chariot Tarotby pressing Reborn Trophy Guide • (2)during battle. At first this is only 10 plays, but as you play, it will go up to 50. If you lose a battle, you can go back up to 50 turns, or start over from the beginning.

Use this to take back parries, misses, and bad attacks on your troops.

Note: If you rewind a turn and do the same thing, it will result in the same results. However, if you move your unit to a different square or use a different action, it will alter the RNG and you can get a different result. This goes for going back two turns to a player A to do something else or be on a different square, and then you can do the same move as before with Player B and it will get a different result. This works with loot drops as well.

Tactics Ogre: Reborn offers multiple endings depending on decisions you make along the way. There are three timelines at play in this game. Chaos, Lawand Neutral. At the end of Chapter one, the timelines split between Chaosand Law, and at the end of ChaosChapter two, it splits again between Chaosand Neutral. When you reach Chapter four, the timelines converge to a single route. The decision after the end of the Barnicia Castle in Chapter four will trigger different endings as well.

In Chapter four, after the battle at Barnicia Castle, you have to make a decision with Catiua. If you go about apologizing for leaving her, she will join up with you and when you go back to PhidochCastle, you will obtain the Princessmarks. This is a more offensive class for Catiua, and is rated one of the best classes.

If you go about justifying your decision, a scene will play out and you will obtain Lordmarks at Phidoch Castle instead. There is no way to use both in a single playthrough. You would have to use the World Tarot to get both. You do not want to do that without hitting a new Anchorpoint to save your progress in the timelines. Lordclass is different in that it allows you to have ALL the skills of any class that Denamhas been in your playthrough, the highest level you were with that class. So, before switching to Lordclass, you want to switch to EVERY other class at waiting until you are 35, and then switching. This will allow you to pick and choose from other classes for Duel Wield from Ninja, Berserkfrom Berserker, etc. There are quite a few game breaking builds, so a quick google search can net you all you need.

Shamanclass is considered a game breaking class, and when you have multiple, all the battles you come across seem like a joke.


Starting inChapter 4on anyRoute, you need to readGalgastani Sighted at Lhazanin theWarren Report. You then need to proceed toLhazan Fortressin the northwest and defeatSibyl Josephine.

You then need to readFortresses Under Seigein theWarren Report. This will take you toGecho Fortressin the northeast, where you need to defeatThe Pirate Barvan.

After that, you need to go to the following locations:

  • Geyld Fortress in the northeast and defeat The Archmage Anaberg.
  • Ndamsa Fortress in the west and defeat Aeshan the Defeated.
  • Qadriga Fortress in the south and defeat Leon, Fusilier.
  • Boed Fortress in the east and defeat The Bandit Lobos.

After the previous six fights are completed, you need to then proceed toCoritanae Keep. During the cutscene, you need to selectI know I willto start theApocrypha Shrinequests.

Doing each one will also net you their powerful Apocrypha(AoE) spell for each element. If you go back in CODAand do the Shrinesagain, you can net the Apocrypha 2spells by chance, as its a drop this time. Just abuse the ChariotTarotto get what you want. This can also net you additional Oracle(Shaman) marks.

See the Shrinetrophies below for information about each shrine individually.

  • Slayer of the Wind Watch
  • Slayer of the Earth Watch
  • Slayer of the Lightning Watch
  • Slayer of the Water Watch
  • Slayer of the Fire Watch
  • Slayer of the Ice Watch

In the Palace of the Dead on floor 24, you can buy their summons which attacks one or multiple enemies up to 4 times.

The four sisters Olivya,Sherri,Cistina, and Ceryaalong with Deneband Iuriaare able to be Shamans, so you may want to look up on how to recruit each. OnChaosis the only one that can recruit all six in that timeline.

After you are able to buy the Range Weapons II crafting recipe at some point in the story, you are now able to make unlimited money. You can create Balduror PetridartBlowgunsfor half the cost it sells for. You can turn 10k into 20k, 50k into 100k, and so on. Just make enough to be comformtable and you should never need money again.

Starting in the beginning, you need to make sure you prepare for every battle. You never want to be caught surprised at all.

Early Game:

  1. Make sure you use TrainingMissionsat any city that has a shop, and get your team up to the Union Level.
  2. Make sure your team consists of two dedicated healers like two Clerics. You may also want to also have a melee characterwho can also throw out heals as well such as a Knightor Rune Fencer.
  3. Make sure your team has the best gear they can wear. Use the crafting system to +1 gear that allows for things such as:
    • Being able to walk one square further
    • Being able to climb onto higher squares
    • Being able to cast spells one to two squares further
    • Overall better offense and defense.
    • Added debuffs to specific weapons
    • Added counter-attacks / parry abilities to specific weapons
  4. Use Scoutduring the battle preparation screen to get an understanding of the enemies like their element and classes.
  5. Make sure your team members have as many of the best healing items you can buy equipped so they can pop those incase you are unable to with a healer.
  6. Make sure everyone has a Blessing Stoneas well, so they can raise a fallen unit.

Mid Game:

  1. Have a tank class like Knightto throw ahead of your other enemies to pull the Beasts, Golems,and Knightsto it.
  2. May want to bring a Beast Tamer if you want to Recruitthe enemy. They can tame Beastsand Dragons.
    • Enemy has to be low in HP, as well as right next to the Beast Tamer in order to best recruit them.
  3. Dragoonsare really good at both tanking and killing Dragons. They also empower other units to be able to do more damage against them.
  4. Bringing in beast units such as Dragonsor co*ckatricescan help you move around the map better, tank their units better, and do a lot of AoE damage. Do not underestimate these units.
  5. Ninjasor Vartanwith status affecting Crossbowscan Stunor Silenceenemies from afar. This can be the deciding factor in a win or a loss early in a battle.

Late Game:

  1. If on Chaosroute, try to make sure you recruit Cressidaand all four of the sisters.
  2. Get the Lordor Princessclass, and learn how to use them. They can be one of the best classes.
  3. Work on aquiring Denebby recruiting one of each type of dragon early if possible. Only auction them at Deneb'sstore which rotates daily to a different city.
    • There are a bunch of requirements to get her, but that is one of the most time consuming.
  4. Get your team some Wing Rings/Shoes from within the Palace of the Dead to ensure you team can move where they need to, and not fall off any cliffs.
  5. Obtain a few Shamansto help deal massive damage from afar.
    • Ensure to equip the best INTgear, as well as the ElementalStaves/Armorfrom the Palace of the DeadEnchiridions.
  6. Run through The Palace of the Dead and the Pirate's Graveyard and obtain some rare and legendary weapons.
    • Floors 15-25 will drop the Enchiridionswhich will allow you to make some of the best gear at this point in the game.

Below is the outline for story battles for the game. There are Dungeonsavailable such as The Phorampa Wildlands in Chapter two, The Pirate Graveyard and The Palace of the Dead in Chapter four,San Bronsa in CODA. The shop on floor 24 of the Palace of the Dead will have the Summonspells that your Shamanswill want to have. Outside of those, there are six Shrinesthat are available in Chapter fourthat will also net you the Apocryphasfor the Shamanclass, as well as three marks as soon as you do all six.

Chapter 1:

  • Story Battle: Golyat
  • Story Battle: Almorica Castle - Reborn Trophy Guide • (10)Hero of Golyat
    • Stronghold Battle 1: TheGatesofAlmorica
    • Stronghold Battle 2: AlmoricaPassageway
  • Story Battle: Tynemouth Hill
    • Canopuswill want to join your party after this battle.
  • Story Battle: Krysaro
    • Keep Donnaltoalive in order to recruit him.
      • If Donnaltodies, Feliciawill want to join your party.
    • Saraand Voltarewill also want to join your party after this battle.
  • Story Battle: The Golborza Plain
  • Story Battle: The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime
    • Keep Cistinaalive as she becomes recruitable later in the game.
  • Optional Battle: Qadriga Fortress- Reborn Trophy Guide • (11)Corpse Dancer
    • Timed Availability: If you do not do this battle before Balmamusa, you will miss the battle.
  • Story Battle: Lake Bordu
  • Story Battle Xeod Moor
  • Story Battle: Balmamusa- Reborn Trophy Guide • (12)Fallen Hero (Chaos Route) or Reborn Trophy Guide • (13)Butcher of Golyat (Law Route)
    • Story Battle: Balmamusa(Law Route)
      • Do not kill Ravnessas she becomes recruitable later in the game
    • Story Battle: Balmamusa(Chaos Route)

Chapter 2: Law Route

  • Story Battle: Balmamusa
  • Story Battle: Xeod Moors
  • Story Battle: Rhea Bourn Aqueduct
  • Option Battle: Reisan Way
    • Do not kill Ravnessas she becomes recruitable later in the game
  • Story Battle: Port Asyton 1
  • Story Battle: Port Asyton2
  • Story Battle: Qadriga Fortress Reborn Trophy Guide • (14)Piratebane
    • Keep Xapanalive in order to recruit him.
  • Story Battle: Tynemouth Hill
  • Optional Battle: The Phorampa Wildwood
    • This is the first Dungeonwith battle after battle available. You can earn lots of Gothand get some better Weapons. You can also start recruiting Monster Enemies more easily here.
  • Story Battle: The Golborza Plain
  • Story Battle: The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime
    • Do not kill Arycelleas she becomes recruitable later in the game
  • Story Battle Almorica Castle Reborn Trophy Guide • (15)Leader of Men
    • Stronghold Battle 1: The Gates of Almorica
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Almorica Passageway1
    • Stronghold Battle 3: Almorica Passageway2
      • Do not kill Arycelleas she becomes recruitable later in the game

Chapter 3: Law Route

  • Story Battle: Madura Drift
  • Story Battle: Brigantys Castle Reborn Trophy Guide • (16)Untarnished Hero
    • Stronghold Battle 1a: Brigantys West Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 1b: Brigantys South Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Brigantys Hall
  • Story Battle: Bahanna Highlands
  • Story Battle: The Reisan Way
  • Story Battle: Coritanae Keep Reborn Trophy Guide • (17)The Conqueror
    • Stronghold Battle 1: The Gates of Coritanae
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Coritanae Ward
  • Optional Battle: Bahanna Highlands
    • Timed Availability: If you do not do this battle before The Psonji Weald, you will miss the battle.
  • Story Battle: The Psonji Weald
  • Story Battle: Lake Bordu
  • Story Battle: Tynemouth Hill
  • Story Battle: Almorica Castle
    • Stronghold Battle 1: The Gates of Almorica
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Almorica Passageway1
    • Stronghold Battle 3: Almorica Passageway2
  • Story Battle: Mount Weobry
  • Story Battle: The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime Reborn Trophy Guide • (18)He Who Walks In Darkness
    • Keep Hobyrimalive in order to recruit him.
  • Story Battle: Phidoch Castle Reborn Trophy Guide • (19)Southron Liberator
    • Stronghold Battle 1a: Phidoch West Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 1b: Phidoch South Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Phidoch Hall

Chapter 2: Chaos Route

  • Story Battle: Port Asyton
  • Story Battle: Rhea Boum
  • Story Battle: Xeod MoorsReborn Trophy Guide • (20)Man of Proven Worth
    • Keep Arycellealive in order to recruit her.
  • Story Battle: Lake Bordu
  • Story Battle: Tynemouth
  • Optional Battle: The Phorampa Wildwood
    • This is the first Dungeonwith battle after battle available. You can earn lots of Gothand get some better Weapons. You can also start recruiting Monster Enemies more easily here.
  • Story Battle: Krysaro
  • Story Battle: Qadriga Fortress
    • Keep Folcurtand Bayinalive in order to recruit them and others later.
  • Story Battle: Ndamsa Fortress
    • Keep Folcurtand Bayinalive in order to recruit them and others later.
  • Story Battle: GolyatReborn Trophy Guide • (21)Man Among Friends
    • Keep Cistina, Folcurtand Bayinalive, and then head to Xeod Fortress in order to recruit them.
  • Story Battle: Almorica Castle Reborn Trophy Guide • (22)Man of Principles(Chaos Route) or Reborn Trophy Guide • (23)The Hero Returned (Neutral Route)
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Almorica Passageway 1
    • Stronghold Battle 3: Almorica Passageway 2

Chapter 3:Chaos Route

  • Story Battle: Port Asyton
  • Story Battle: Xeod Moors
  • Story Battle: Coritanae Castle
    • Stronghold Battle 1: The Gates of Coritanae
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Coritanae Ward
  • Story Battle: The Reisan Way
  • Story Battle: Bahanna Highlands
  • Story Battle: Brigantys CastleReborn Trophy Guide • (24)Untarnished Hero
    • Stronghold Battle 1a: Brigantys West Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 1b: Brigantys South Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Brigantys Hall
  • Story Battle: Bahanna HighlandsReborn Trophy Guide • (25)The Unflinching
    • Keep Hobyrimalive in order to recruit him.
  • Story Battle: Coritanae Castle
    • Stronghold Battle 1: The Gates of Coritanae
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Coritanae Ward
  • Story Battle: Mount Weobry
  • Story Battle: The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime
  • Story Battle: Boed Fortress
  • Story Battle: Phidoch CastleReborn Trophy Guide • (26)Southron Liberator
    • Stronghold Battle 1a: Phidoch West Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 1b: Phidoch South Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Phidoch Hall

Chapter 3: Neutral Route

  • Story Battle: Almorica Castle
  • Story Battle: Boed Fortress Reborn Trophy Guide • (27)Dark Knight Slayer
    • Keep Ceryaalive in order to recruit her later.
  • Story Battle: Tynemouth Hill
  • Optional Battle: Qadriga Fortress Reborn Trophy Guide • (28)Miracle Worker
    • Timed Availability: If you do not do this battle before Port Asyton, you will miss the battle.
    • You must go to Krysaroto trigger a cutscene before Qadriga Fortress appears on the map
    • Keep Phaesta, Tamuz, and Chamosalive in order to recruit them.
  • Story Battle: Port Asyton
    • Keep Oeliasand Dievoldalive in order to recruit them.
  • Story Battle: Mount Hedon
  • Story Battle: Hagia Banhamuba
  • Story Battle: Ndamsa Fortress
  • Story Battle: Coritanae Keep Reborn Trophy Guide • (29)Slayer of the Dying
    • Stronghold Battle 1: The Gates of Coritanae
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Coritanae Ward
  • Story Battle: Mount Weobry
  • Story Battle: The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime
  • Story Battle: Phidoch Castle Reborn Trophy Guide • (30)Southron Liberator
    • Stronghold Battle 1a: Phidoch West Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 1b: Phidoch South Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Phidoch Hall

Chapter 4:

  • Story Battle: Bahanna Highlands
  • Story Battle: Brigantiys CastleReborn Trophy Guide • (31)Man of Peace
    • Two locations - go through front door
  • Story Battle: Mount Hedon
  • Story Battle: Hagia Banhamuba
    • Do not kill Sherrias she becomes recruitable. After she warps out, go to Balmamusa and use Horn of the Savage up to three times in a Training MIssion to get it raining hard (Diagonal Rain) and then go to Xeod Moors and back to Balmamusa for a cutscene to recruit Sherri.
  • Story Battle: The Vanessan Way
  • Story Battle: Lambiss Hill
  • Story Battle: Tzorious Field
  • Story Battle: Barnicia CastleReborn Trophy Guide • (32)Princess Savior
    • Stronghold Battle 1: The Gates of Barnicia
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Barnicia Courtyard
    • Stronghold Battle 3: Barnicia Grand Staircase
  • Story Battle: Iorumza Canyon
  • Story Battle: Oeram or Story Battle: Boulder Sands
  • Do the Shrine / Shaman Quest no later than NOW
  • Story Battle: The Royal City of Heim Reborn Trophy Guide • (33)Bringer of Peace
    • Stronghold Battle 1a: Heim Postern Gate
    • Stronghold Battle 1b: The Gates of Heim
    • Stronghold Battle 1c: Heim South Curtain Wall
    • Stronghold Battle 2: Heim Courtyard
    • Stronghold Battle 3: Heim Great Hall
  • Story Battles: Hanging Gardens
Reborn Trophy Guide  • (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.